Blog- Hamlet Laundry Ltd

Stains are always life threatening for clothes. Grease stains are the worst thing to remove from any clothes or your favorite jeans. They can be annoying especially when you have some expensive and favorite collection of jeans to maintain and you want to keep them safe and in a great condition. However, by maintaining the right tools and techniques, you can remove grease stains from your jeans. Thus you can recover your clothes and get them looking new again. In this blog, we are going to find out some effective ways on how to get grease stains out of jeans.

Read the Care level

First of all, whatever your clothes are. Hamlet laundry recommends you to go through the care level. Read the care level. Because, your garment’s producer has left some facts about your garments’ quality and also how to care for them in the right and effective way ensuring the safety and clothes quality. 

Use a Stain Pen or Pre-Treatment Spray

Before washing your jeans, you can think of using a stain pen or pre-treatment spray. In this case, apply the spray directly to the grease stains and wait for a few minutes before washing. This can help to weaken and further break down the grease and make it easier to remove.

Blot the Grease Stains

In terms of a fresh grease stains case, your first action should be blotting. So, start by blotting the stain with a paper towel or tissue or a clean cloth. This will help to remove the grease before it sets into the fabric. However, Don’t rush!  Make sure  that you have blotted it gently, so that the stain can’t spread  further.

Apply Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid is an effective chemical for removing grease stains.  Apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid directly over the stained area. Now, rub it gently with your fingers. Then let it be there for a few sometimes and rinse it off with warm water. Repeat the same multiple times until the stain has vanished. 

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are two most useful and common household items which have also been used to remove grease stains historically. In terms of Baking Soda- mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of water to make a paste. Apply the paste over the stain and let it be there and wait for 10-15 minutes. Now, rinse the cloth using warm water. In terms of Vinegar, you don’t need to make any paste. Just apply some vinegar to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing the jeans as usual.

Try Stain Remover

If the above methods failed to remove the grease stains thoroughly, then you can try a commercial stain remover. For that, apply the stain remover directly over the stain and let it be there for a few minutes. Now, wash your jeans as usual. However, Make sure that you have followed the instructions on the label and test a small area of the fabric before applying to the entire stain.

Soak the Jeans

However, If the grease stains are terribly stubborn then Hamlet Laundry recommends you to soak the jeans in a liquid and detergent solution in warm water. In this case, select appropriate laundry detergent depending on your cloth characters. By the way, soak the jeans for at least 30 to an hour. It will help to waken the stain and eventually break the molecules on it. Now, it is time to wash it.

Wash in Hot Water

Having done the previous steps, now it is time to wash the jeans in hot water. Before doing it we always recommend checking the care level. If you are already aware of that it is pretty cool! However, wash the jeans in hot water with heavy duty detergent if the care level allows you to do so. Otherwise, use the warmest level of hot water that is written in the care level on your cloth.

Don’t Dry the Jeans Until the Stain is Gone

Some people make a mistake most often, when they put their jeans or clothes in the dryer after washing them once or twice. This makes their clothes vulnerable to permanent loss. Because, the high chance is that after one or two times of washing your jeans stains can remain there on your cloth. So, if you put it in the dryer immediately after washing the grease stains, they may dry and set permanently. So, don’t rush, calm down and check and re-check your jeans after washing.

Repeat the Process if Needed

Having patience is important even if you are determined to clean your clothes. After completing these processes if the grease stains are visible, don’t give up! Repeat these above processes again and again.

Consider Professional Cleaning

After having multiple trials if the stain remains there don’t worry. Call a professional dry cleaner like Hamlet Laundry. They have highly qualified team personnel with the latest technology and techniques to restore your clothes within the shortest period of time. 

However, if you are in London then Hamlet laundry is the best option that you can choose. Hamlet Laundry is a professional laundry and dry cleaning service throughout London. Just call or knock us and get washes, ironed and folded clothes within a 24 hour timeframe. 

Jahid Hasan

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